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The Last of the Monay

I am going to miss this bread and hopefully since i managed to bring in two kilograms of 3rd class flour, i can make a couple of batches this Summer. I want to bang my head on the wall for leaving out the bread flour, my brother's box was over weight and it seemed to have been not much of a big deal to Cathay, so darn lucky. I hate thinking about it, i left at least 10 kilograms of Wellington from my last bread making class, i am pretty sure no one will dare use it.

I am back, my sniffling nose is gone, cough almost dried out although i still wake up in the middle of the night coughing, but it isn't as worst as before some two weeks ago. We went out to shop for groceries and met a Pinoy who stopped us while walking from TJ Maxx to Walmart and asked "excuse me, mga Pinoy kayo?".

Turns out, Jeffrey is from Florida, just moved in last week and is having a hard time adjusting. We all do.

Anyway, I have my bleached All Purpose so i can make my Mother and sister white Siopao, not the usual dirty off white we used to eat around here. I have some leftover bread flour from the Bulk Barn, still free from weevils mind you, the Spelt, Cracked Wheat, Kamut, Cornmeal all managed to stay pest free after two years. By golly, i hope my flours will suffer the same fate, wishful thinking i guess.

I use my Canadian All purpose for baking the breads because i am saving the bread flour for the Hard Monay seen here. This is the only sweet white flour based bread i shovel my small mouth, nothing else. I do eat Pizzas made from whole grain, and baguettes, etc., But no more dinner rolls or white loaf breads. I want to take care of my health really well from this year onwards, my latest check up was nerve wracking, so i promise to be a good girl again. Kinda ironic that i teach breads and pastries but that's exactly it, had i not perfected this craft, i would never be able to create my own style of breads, something you as an aspiring bread maker should all start from. Begin with the basics and branch out. I am already in the branching out stage, Spanish breads and Ensaimadas are baked in my kitchen for loved ones and as you know with my students.

This post is dedicated to this bread, the lone star of my gustatory obsession when it comes to carbs, (bad carbs to some). Oy! It's not like i eat it everyday right?

My ever so trusted 1998 4 sheeter oven, still at its finest. I will never exchange this for a Kitchen Aid oven.

I call it the Siksik Sensation, it is the makunat, chewy texture, yet melt in the mouth goodness that got me hooked on this bread. When i started teaching way back 2001, this was not part of my lessons. It was only when someone requested that i teach it around 2007 when i discovered how delicious it really is. Yum!!! Mind you, do not use your dough hook to make this, you can if you want to but add a bit more water to the really very stiff dough. My LA student Josefina broke two Kitchen Aids making this.

check out my weebly site for more baking images... Pandesal slideshow

Incidentally, if you are a Walking Dead fan over at AE, last Sunday's episode was like a Pinoy B movie at its worst. I mean the story and the directing was so sloppy, we end up discussing what and why this and that happened. It was like the director fell off his chair and made someone else did it so he can go home and watch tv. duh! I better tell them how bitterly disappointing this episode was, nothing at par to the quality of the episodes from the past, it was the episode from the twilight zone.
